U.S orders will be shipped via FedEx, USPS or DHL Express and International Orders will be shipped depending on the fulfillment center the product is from.

  • Average transit times to USA: 7-14 business days
  • Average Transit times to UK, AUS, CAN, EUR: 7-14 business days 
  • Average transit times to International: 12 - 25 business days 

Please note, there are no refunds or cancellations 24 hours after your order was placed.

Email us within 24 hours of placing your order and we will be happy to make cancellation. If your order has already been shipped we will not be able to cancel it.

If you have provided wrong shipping information, simply reply to your order confirmation email and give us the correct information. Notify us immediately via email at If the address is wrong, we can correct this within 24 hours.

If 24 hours has passed and your order has been shipped to the incorrect address you provided, customers will be responsible for the reshipment cost. 


International orders are subject to the receiving country’s import fees, duty, taxes and/or brokerage fees.

These funds are neither paid to Luxlivn nor are they set by Luxlivn rather they are paid to and set by your home country’s government as per import/export regulations and charged by your local postal carrier.

Funds are due upon receipt in accordance with your local import and postal regulations.

We are not responsible for any duty/import/taxes/customs/etc charges you may incur.

Packages are marked with the value of the item as paid by the customer in legal accordance with international postal regulations.

We do not mark packages as a gift.

To falsify the amounts paid or the contents of the package on customs forms could lead to hefty fines that our business would not be able to handle.

We absolutely love what we do and will not engage in any practices that would jeopardize our ability to continue doing what we love.

Thanks in advance for your understand.



To all our valued customers,

Under the current circumstances, most businesses are affected right now due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our thoughts are with all of those who have been affected by the outbreak, and we send our gratitude to everyone working to minimize the human impact.

We're currently receiving an above-average volume of orders and inquiries due to increasing product demand. However, with the current situation we have, our supply chain and third-party logistic providers are highly affected as well. Please be aware that delays in response and deliveries are inevitable at this time. We try our best to deliver the best service as much as we can to accommodate everyone. We humbly ask for your understanding and kindly please allow at least 2 weeks for orders to be deliver during this extraordinary time. Rest assured, our teams are working hard to produce and ship the top-quality line of products to you, our customers around the world, as quickly as we possibly can. Your patience is greatly appreciated. 

We're here to offer you support in these uncertain times. So, if there's anything we can help you with or need assistance with, feel free to reach out to us by filling out the form below or send us a message at We hope that our products offer you some comfort and support as we take on this challenge together.

Stay safe and stay healthy everyone!